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  • em resposta a: Mensagem de Bloqueio #14777

    🚀 Apresentando o Hotspot Beacon! 🚀

    Desbloqueie o potencial do seu Wi-Fi com o Hotspot Beacon. Personalize sua página de acesso para mostrar anúncios, promoções ou informações e engajar seus clientes, impulsionando o seu negócio.

    💡 Principais Funcionalidades:

    - Interface amigável e intuitiva
    - Opções de personalização completas para sua marca
    - Gerenciamento de propagandas e promoções
    - Integração fácil com sistemas existentes via API
    - Limitação de velocidade ou largura de banda por usuário
    - Controle de acesso por horário

    🔗 Confira o site para saber mais:

    em resposta a: Endian firewall 2.5.2 community disponível #14698

    Atualizações implementadas:

    Release Notes – Version 2.5.2

    ** New Features

    * [UTM-250] – PhishTank as anti-phishing protection

    * [CORE-82] – Show signatures update time in the dashboard

    * [CORE-477] – Intel drivers for the newest Intel network

    interface cards

    * [CORE-222] – Support for USB Huawei E173 USB UMTS modem

    ** Improvements

    * [UTM-68] – ClamAV engine update to version 0.97.8

    * [CORE-184] – The collectd netlink plugin stores information

    that is never used

    * [CORE-89] – EMI does not load sqlite anymore

    * [CORE-259] – EMI storage is not read/write-safe

    * [CORE-63] – In Port forwarding / DNAT the default mode

    should be simple instead of advanced

    * [UTM-250] – PhishTank lists replace lists from


    * [CORE-285] – Packaged signatures tarball with new PhishTank

    signatures instead of those from


    * [CORE-105] – Monit method needs an additional attribute

    monitor=False which prevents monitor/unmonitor

    command from getting sent to monit

    * [CORE-189] – Store collectd RRD files in /tmp and

    periodically synchronize to /var

    * [CORE-164] – Delete archived log files when free space is


    * [CORE-231] – Use collectd graphs instead of squid-graph

    * [CORE-206] – Replace with collectd graphs

    * [UTM-110] – Remove collectd’s ntp RRD files

    * [UTM-80] – New version of ntop

    * [CORE-240] – Ethernet bonding support

    * [UTM-40] – DansGuardian custom *regexp file is not handled


    ** Bugs

    * [UTM-115] – ClamAV blocks .exe files due to issues in its

    DetectBrokenExecutables check

    * [UTM-86] – HAVP does not run after an upgrade to 2.5

    * [UTM-65] – “Block encrypted archives” flag was doing

    exactly the opposite of what had been


    * [UTM-63] – Wrong status message in ClamAV page before the

    first signature update

    * [CORE-132] – The Authentication layer does not start due to

    an UTF-8 problem

    * [CORE-125] – Authentication job is not started after

    finishing the initial wizard

    * [CORE-367] – Old backups cannot be downloaded after

    migrating to 2.5

    * [CORE-288] – USB stick not detected correctly by


    * [CORE-278] – When cleaning the system USB backups are not


    * [CORE-148] – Instead of keeping 3 USB backups when rotating

    only 2 are kept

    * [CORE-113] – Error creating the cron link for scheduled

    automatic backups

    * [CORE-220] – More backups than configured are stored

    * [CORE-427] – Deadlock during the reading/writing of


    * [CORE-264] – Logout button does not work for all browsers

    * [CORE-236] – After an update efw-shell does not display

    correctly the new/updated commands”

    * [CORE-122] – In policy routing rules only CS0 Type of

    Service can be selected

    * [CORE-107] – Dnsmasq sometimes fails to restart which causes

    monit to use a huge amount of resources

    * [CORE-88] – Backup uplinks do not work if they are Ethernet


    * [CORE-497] – Collectd does not start on boot with new

    version of monit

    * [CORE-211] – Dependency to efw-httpd is missing

    * [COMMUNITY-15] – RPM triggers interrupt update process

    * [CORE-451] – GUI port is hardcoded for redirection

    * [CORE-268] – Reboot required not shown after kernel upgrade

    * [CORE-482] – emicommand hangs because of curl blocking

    * [CORE-137] – YAML storage raises an exception when trying to

    load a valid YAML file that contains a list

    instead of a dictionary

    * [CORE-369] – Interzone firewall rules are not created after

    migration to 2.5

    * [CORE-119] – When switching from advanced to simple mode

    editing destination NAT rules the filter policy

    is changed to ALLOW

    * [CORE-118] – Target port of Destination NAT is not disabled

    when the incoming protocol is “Any”

    * [CORE-115] – Incoming Service/Port field of Port forwarding/

    Destination NAT is editable, even if Service

    and Protocol are both set to “Any”

    * [CORE-106] – The bridges job status is wrong, “restart”

    instead of “start”

    * [CORE-335] – jobcontrol hangs when sync restarting jobs

    * [CORE-326] – Jobengine exception during update

    * [CORE-257] – Jobs are unnecessarily restarted multiple times

    * [CORE-248] – Jobsengine memory leak when OpenVPN client


    * [CORE-131] – The efw-shell command “job” does not work due

    to a syntax error

    * [CORE-124] – AnaCronJob uses Job.start which sets force=True

    even if not needed

    * [CORE-123] – DownloadJob uses Job.start which sets

    force=True even if not needed

    * [CORE-120] – Timestamping signatures are recreated although

    force is not set to true in CrawlerJob

    * [CORE-321] – After migration from 2.4 to 2.5 RAID controller

    mptsas is not working anymore

    * [CORE-303] – Intel Network driver igb not supported for Quad

    Intel 82580 Gigabit Network

    * [CORE-190] – Enable FUSION_SAS driver

    * [CORE-332] – twistd.log are not compressed and rotated in /

    * [CORE-247] – Logrotate not run under various circumstances

    * [CORE-87] – ntop UI is not accessible

    * [CORE-251] – Logrotate configuration file is removed when

    logrotate package is upgraded after efw-syslog

    * [CORE-203] – purge-log-archives script fails under special


    * [UTM-414] – ntop segfault in

    * [UTM-244] – ntop crashes if it is asked to monitor a

    interface that is down

    * [CORE-343] – VLAN configuration problem

    * [CORE-174] – Local routes are missing in ip rule so user

    defined rules always overrule local routes

    * [CORE-86] – Policy Routing rules are not applied

    * [CORE-80] – Upgrade of stripped RPM packages destroys

    configuration files

    * [UTM-378] – Double efw-dnsmasq packages after upgrade

    * [UTM-338] – When updating efw-dnsmasq the httpd

    configuration file is removed

    * [UTM-322] – Anti-spyware signatures last update date is


    * [UTM-320] – DNS black- and whitelists are ignored until the

    cron job runs

    * [UTM-317] – DNS anti-spyware blacklist is not working

    * [UTM-316] – Black- and whitelisted domains are not erased

    after saving settings

    * [UTM-88] – Unable to download malwaredomains information

    * [UTM-181] – Proxy PAC is not applied

    * [UTM-93] – Denial of service triggered by access to the

    proxy port

    * [UTM-90] – DansGuardian blacklists and phraselists are

    missing after an upgrade to 2.5

    * [UTM-87] – DansGuardian blacklists and phraselists cannot

    be downloaded

    * [UTM-55] – Clamd is not started before HAVP

    * [UTM-194] – HTTP proxy configuration ignores rules under

    certain circumstances

    * [UTM-81] – IMAP authentication fails if username contains

    a @domain part.

    * [CORE-219] – TOS/DSCP option breaks Quality of Service

    * [UTM-119] – Snort is restarted twice during boot time

    * [CORE-138] – System uptime is shown incorrectly

    * [CORE-396] – Migration not called after upgrade to 2.5 due

    to collectd

    * [CORE-159] – Certain migration scripts are not executed

    * [CORE-129] – Migration framework causes tracebacks if an RPM

    package has an epoch set and a migration script

    for it exists

    * [UTM-108] – OpenVPN client calls missing “remove_rules”

    method which is not controlled by jobengine and

    uses a deprecated function

    * [UTM-95] – Selecting GREEN in IPsec GUI corrupts IPsec

    configuration file

    * [UTM-230] – OpenVPN job fails to create user configuration

    files if the push orange or push blue options

    are enabled

    * [UTM-97] – OpenVPN process cannot remove temporary files

    because of wrong file owner

    * [CORE-221] – OpenVPN client TUN device configuration is


    * [UTM-200] – Route to subnet behind OpenVPN gateway-to-

    gateway user is set with wrong gateway IP

    address if the user has a static IP assigned

    em resposta a: Solução Nas parecida com o Endian #14672

    Eu acho que o Bacula pode ser a sua solução


    Como voce preencheu os campos pra criar a rota?


    Voce configurou a DMZ do endian?

    em resposta a: DynDNS atrás do Endian Firewall #14494

    desse jeito vc torna seu firewall inseguro.

    Tenta cadastrar um host no endian com o nome “meusite” e o dominio como “” e endereço “” dessa forma o endian via traduzir o o nome do site para o IP e ai nem precisa passar pelo iptables ou pelo proxy.


    em resposta a: duvida-multiusuarios #14462
    em resposta a: Relatório Sarg #6134
    em resposta a: DynDNS atrás do Endian Firewall #14492

    Já tentou criar uma NAT da rede interna para o IP que hospeda o site?


    Posso ajudar sim. Qual é a dificuldade que esta tendo em fazer? Gostaria que eu criasse essa rota para você?

    em resposta a: Problema com site #14489

    a 80 nas regras de saída esta aberta?

    em resposta a: Criando Regra de Entrada #14478

    Redirecionamento de Porta / NAT

    em resposta a: Servidor de Internet – pode? #14490

    Pode o Endian atende a todos esses requisitos.

    Não sei qual é a sua necessidade mais eu não gosto de restringir acesso por MAC porque acho inseguro, pois da para alterar o MAC facilmente.

    em resposta a: Snort – portscan #9548
    em resposta a: duvida-multiusuarios #14460

    Eu também quero dar acesso somente ao sarg. e não estou conseguindo.

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